What Are Data Systems?

Data systems are the system that collects, stores, and allows access to data that is used by companies. Data systems can include the database system (DBMS), warehouses special platforms, such as NoSQL databases and alternative data storage models like file systems and cloud object services. They may also include master data management, which is the process of creating an unified set of reference data for an organization and its customers, products or other assets.

Volume, variety, and velocity are the primary characteristics of a successful data management system. Volume refers to the volume of data being processed, typically in huge and complex data sets that cannot be handled by one computer. Variety refers to the various types of data that are being gathered from sensors, feeds from social media and other sources. Velocity is the speed with which data movement into and out the data system.

These four traits have led to the development of new and innovative data systems. Alongside the traditional databases and DBMS technologies There are new data platforms which can handle a vast variety of data.

A big sensor data system, for instance it is a collection of devices and sensors that collect an array of data from physical devices such as smartphones and wearable medical sensors. These sensor data readings may contain signal, image or location information with timestamps, as well as other metadata. The data is then stored on the device, and then transmitted to a server. The data is then processed to ensure that it is clear and meaningful enough for processing and analysing.
