Choosing the Right Virtual Data Review Provider

Virtual data review allows bidders to conduct due diligence at the same time and can be significantly quicker than reviewing documents in person. The speed also enables a larger pool of potential buyers, potentially accelerating the M&A process and increasing the likelihood of a deal.

However, some critics say VDRs can be more expensive than physical data rooms as they require a large upfront investment and ongoing expenses. They are also difficult to implement in time, which could impact due diligence timelines or M&A transactions. They could also result in poorer quality reviews, since young associates are more likely to make mistakes while reviewing online text on a computer for long periods under pressure to meet deadlines.

Selecting the right VDR requires a thorough analysis of the providers available to determine functionality, cost and ease-of-use. Ratings from Capterra are a good place to start. The higher the rating, the more people have a positive opinion of the company.

Asking a VDR provider what advantages and features are most crucial for your project is also important. Take note of the marketing strategies of a provider, such as whether they offer drinks, free gifts, or other incentives to attract customers. These perks could lead to paying more for a subpar or unreliable product.

Be aware of the level security provided by a provider. Modern VDRs have granular controls on access and document watermarking. They can also guarantee HIPAA compliance to organizations that handle health information. They are usually integrated with popular software. This eliminates the need to download additional software or convert files.