Best Practices for Recovery Housing

Likewise, this treatment model incorporates a rules-based structure that helps to prepare a person for “real world” living. Through our programs, weekly house gatherings, employment support, money management, family outreach, and a solid foundation based on the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, Design for Recovery offers the skills and support for lifelong sobriety. Overall, sober living homes offer a supportive and accountable environment for individuals in various stages of recovery, helping them build a strong foundation for sustained sobriety and a healthier lifestyle. It is essential to note that sober living homes may have specific admission criteria, such as a commitment to sobriety, completion of a treatment program, or adherence to house rules.

  • This model is highly beneficial for individuals requiring a stable environment free from external triggers, thus significantly aiding in the initial stages of recovery.
  • In contrast, Arizona’s SB1361 seeks to enhance licensing, oversight, and penalties for violations, with proposed fines increasing from $500 to $1,000 and defining ‘sober living home’ in state law.
  • A two-year study in five Canadian cities found housing first participants spent 73% of their time in stable housing, compared with 32% for participants in non-housing first programs.
  • Halfway houses fall under the umbrella term “sober living home,” as both terms refer to residences where people in recovery stay before going back to living on their own, says Dr. Kennedy.
  • Haney’s bill would require counties to make sure sober facilities kept people housed at rates similar to facilities without sobriety requirements.
  • Sunnyside uses a psychology-based approach to help you drink more mindfully, no matter what your goal is.

How do regular sober living homes and luxury sober living homes differ in scope?

  • Our compassionate team will help you start life fresh with the tools, coping strategies and resources you need to succeed.
  • While some sober living homes may require residents to have completed a formal addiction treatment program, such as inpatient rehab or outpatient counseling, others may not have this specific requirement.
  • You live in a substance-free environment while navigating the responsibilities of life in the real world.
  • Payment plans, scholarships, grants and government-funded programs may be available for residents facing financial hardship.
  • Another significant challenge is the lack of oversight, which can result in substandard living conditions and exploitation of residents.

According to the NCBH, using these model guidelines can help reduce the administrative effort needed to create standards on the state or local level (NCBH/NARR, 2018). Mr. Way agrees that states are wise to accept input from organizations like PARR, which has been certifying recovery residences since 2011, in developing their own licensure programs (F. Way, personal communication, June 15, 2018). Meanwhile, sober-living residences, also known as “recovery residences” or “drug- and alcohol-free housing,” are designed to house and support the recovery of individuals who are working on treating their SUDs. These sober-living facilities have been traditionally thought of as being “off limits” to state and local regulations. This is because sober-living facilities do not offer treatment services and are instead groups of individuals, with legally recognized disabilities, living together as a single household or unit.

What Are the Risks and Downsides of Sober Living Homes?

The ADA mandates that local governments make reasonable accommodations in policies to offer equal living opportunities to people with disabilities, which includes those in recovery living in sober homes. This includes protection against disparate treatment, disparate impact, and failure to make reasonable accommodations. Legal precedents, such as the case of One Love Housing, LLC v. City of Anoka, MN, affirm that sober living homes fall under the protection of the FHA.

sober house rules and regulations

Does housing first work?

Residents may bring in food, and more sober homes are allowing residents with chronic health problems or specific recovery medications to bring in prescriptions; however, prescription drugs are closely monitored. Modern sober living homes are derived from either the Florida Model or the Clean and Sober Transitional Living (CSTL) model. The Florida Model allows for more personal freedom while living in a sober environment while the CSTL model delineates phases residents go through, so they maintain a continuum of care while focusing on long-term sobriety. The balance between adequate oversight and the operational viability of sober living homes is delicate. Effective regulation is necessary to prevent fraud and exploitation, yet it must be designed to support the recovery process and ensure accessibility to these crucial living spaces. In West Virginia, there’s a push for more oversight by state lawmakers, with discussions around certification processes and licensing by the Office of Health Facility Licensure and Certification.

Variations in State Regulations for Sober Living Homes

sober house rules and regulations

  • It allows you to live your life to the fullest, experience all of life’s adventures, make the most out of relationships, and be present in the moment.
  • For example, the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution protects “[t]he right of people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures” (US Const. amend. IV).
  • National Library of Medicine, all residents must abide by the rules, and abstain from alcohol and/or drugs.
  • An individual may stay at an SLH as long as they desire, although the National Institute on Drug Abuse recommends first spending no fewer than 90 days in an addiction treatment program for best effectiveness.
  • Organizations that offer SLH scholarships include CLEAN Cause Foundation and Ben Meyer Recovery Foundation, per Dr. Kennedy and Clark.
  • It’s important to follow these rules because if you don’t, you will be living in a house of filth and also disrespecting the other members of the home that are living there with you.
  • Some homes communicate any rule-breaking to external therapists, helping to address the root causes of such behaviors.